Contact information

Suomen Jalokiviharrastajain Yhdistys ry.
Finnish Gem Hobbyists’ Society reg.soc.
Lääkärinkatu 8, rakennus 8
FIN-00250 Helsinki

Telephone/ answering machine +358 44 09 666 86
during opening hours Mon-Thu from 13 to 20 hours

Office email: sjhy(at)  change (at) with the sign @

Business ID: 1517973-6


At the end of Lääkärinkatu street, enter the last gate of the Laakso hospital area. The Society’s premises are immediately to the left after entering the gate, in the ”Kivikappeli” building (stone chapel); the entrance to the building is on the opposite side of the building.
Parking space is on the left side of Lääkärinkatu.